Petrovich, Kick a Dope Verse!, Paiton | ru

This group consists of KREVA (MC and producer), MCU (MC), Little (MC), and DJ Shuho as well as frequent appearances by DJ Tatsuta. Their first major release, "VITALIZER" (2002, won them massive recognition into the mainstream of Japan. The album's success was due to the consistent sound that fed off the newer more techno oriented beats that frequent the Japanese Hip-Hop sound. After "VITALIZER" they got down on one of their most celebrated tracks, "sayonara sayonara". This single helped to fuel the next album "magic number" (2003). Going stronger than ever they released a "BEST ALBUM 2001-2003 " compiling their...
Аббревиатура D.O.D. расшифровывается как "Duo Of Darkness", но это не должно вводить никого в заблуждение - участников здесь трое: Skits Vicious, Dopey Rotten и Jay Reaper (как могут заметить люди, самую чуточку знакомые с классикой панк-рока, все три псевдонима апеллируют к именам отпетых музыкальных нигилистов и хулиганов). Видео "What Happened" нидерландской группы Dope D.O.D. появилось в сети в феврале и наделало много шуму. Художник Уолкер Пачлер снял юным рэперам социальный хоррор, по силе воздействия сравнимый со "Straight Outta Compton" и "Fight The Power". Сейчас группа выступают на одной сцене с Limp Bizkit и наверняка понравятся всем, истосковавшимся по гремучим гибридам...
there are more than one band named Side Kick. - one is a punk band and you can find their song So Far Away on the Punk 101 comp. .
There is more than one artist with this name. 1) Dropkick is a punk band from Texas, most known for the song "Four Dead Cheerleaders" from their album "No Time To Be Young". 2) Dropkick is a Scottish band which plays catchy, countrified pop music. They were formed at school in a small town in Angus in 1995 by brothers Andrew and Alastair Taylor. The current line up now includes the unrelated Roy W. Taylor and bassist Scott Tobin. Andrew Taylor: vocals, drums, guitar, banjo, mandolin. Alastair Taylor: vocals, guitar, pedal steel. Scott Tobin: vocals, bass. Roy W. Taylor: vocals,...
Найдено 17 песни, продолжительность: 34:46