Paramount | ru

PARAMOUNT formed in 2002 while the band members were students at UCLA (where they studied things like taxidermy, civil engineering, and museum studies). This three-piece act plays fast-paced rock; some people call it garage rock, some people might say pop rock. Drawing on influences like (early) Beatles, the Kinks, and more contemporary acts like the Strokes and (really early) Weezer (seriously just the first two Weezer albums, we swear), PARAMOUNT puts on an energetic live show and plays often around the LA area. PARAMOUNT'S music has been played on LA's Indie 103.1 FM, and on Rodney Bingenheimer's show on LA's...
1 A white Doo Wop group from the 50s. Particularly good is his song "In A Dream". Group from the Zerega Avenue in the Bronx consisted of Milton Delgado(Lead),Joey Militi,Freddie LaBianca,Jimmy Giattino and Richie Black. They were managed by Jim Gribble manager of groups as The Passions,The Mystics or The Fiestas.He send the group to Carlton Records where they back up to Ralph De Marco on the side_Old Shep.finally released in 1959 on Carlton's subsidiary label Guaranteed Records. In this same year the group recorded on Carlton Records the Hilltopper's tune_Trying. and the original_Girl Friend.but just after the record were...
Paramount Styles Salute Vampires and/or A&R Men of Yore (Village Voice, 2008) "Come to New York/Get famous," Scott McCloud suggests in a sweet, sour, grand little tune toward the end of Failure American Style, the former Girls Against Boys singer-guitarist's first record as Paramount Styles. In a song cycle that exposes personal emotions within what was once the very public drama of the high-stakes '90s music business, "Come to New York" embodies the idea of the "real cool time" that Manhattan then offered buzzed-about rockers like GVSB. L.A. appears as a character as well: "Drinking makeup/Wearing champagne," McCloud warbles in...
Нью-йоркское инструментально-экспериментальное трио THE PSYCHIC PARAMOUNT организовано опытными музыкантами: гитаристом Drew St. Ivany и басистом Ben Armstrong (оба в недалеком прошлом играли в составах PANICSVILLE и LADDIO BOLOCKO). Знаменательное событие произошло буквально за пять дней до серии частных концертов, организованных в Париже, Лионе, Перпигнане и Наполи в ноябре-декабре 2002 года. Настоящее издание и представляет собой документальное (аудио + восьмиминутное видео) подтверждение безумств, учиненных совместно с известным сессионным барабанщиком Tatsuya Nakatani в те славные дни. Весь материал записан через один (!) стерео-микрофон на бытовой кассетный магнитофон. Очевидно, бо’льших технических изысков для увековечивания исполняемой максимально прямолинейной и брутальной разновидности нойз-рока и не...
Найдено 126 песни, продолжительность: 10:04:40
Febueder - Paramount Tether (Official Video)
Это не снять Paramount
Silence Of Spirits
Electric Blue
Friendship is Paramount
Fatal Attraction
Une journée de plaisir
Middle of Nowhere
Paramount (Original Mix)
Under The Bridge
Eaves Drop
The Engineering Workshop
The Conspiracy
Les temps modernes
In My Head
What You Wish For
Bad Burrito
Getting Arrested
Follow Your Dreams
Limelight (Les lumières de la ville)
Working In Style