Kurt Baebi | ru

Kurt Darren is an established recording artist in South Africa and has been involved in comparing of many launches, beauty pageants and corporate functions since 1990. Kurt shot to stardom after recording his number one hit single "Meisie Meisie". This was soon followed by a string of hits including "Sê Net Ja", "Loslappie" and "Hemel Op Tafelberg" to name only a few. Kurt's live show is energetic and he has also become very famous for his unique dance steps. .
Дьёрдь Куртаг (венг. Kurtág György; род. 19 февраля 1926, Лугож, Румыния) — венгерский композитор. Биография Родился в Банате, в еврейской семье. Закончил Будапештскую музыкальную академию. В 1957—1958 гг. учился у Мессиана и Мийо в Париже, где написал Струнный квартет, обозначив его как свой первый опус. В Кёльне услышал электронные сочинения Штокхаузена и Лигети. В 1967—1986 гг. преподавал в Будапештской музыкальной академии, среди его учеников — международно признанные пианисты Андраш Шифф и Золтан Кочиш. В 1993—1995 работал в Берлине, в 1995—1996 — в Вене. Творчество Куртаг свободно владеет несколькими языками от древнегреческого до русского. Столь же широк репертуар музыкальных традиций от...
Kurt Harland is a singer, composer, and video game developer/audio engineer. He is best known as the lead singer of Information Society and composer of the soundtracks for the Legacy of Kain video game series. He was born Kurt Harland Larson, on January 25, 1963 in Minnesota. Starting at the age of six, he took piano lessons, and by the end of high school, this had expanded into choral and theatrical singing and stage performing. During college, he and a high school friend started a recording group they called Information Society, which would become a decades-long involvement with music, electronic...
Kurt Thomas Travis (born January 16, 1984) is an American singer, musician, and songwriter best known as the former vocalist of the band Dance Gavin Dance and current vocalist for the band A Lot Like Birds. Shortly following A Lot Like Birds's release, Conversation Piece in October 2011, Travis also released a solo EP, on which he wrote and performed all of the material. The record, entitled Wha Happen?, was released by Doghouse Records in January 2012. .
Kurt Angle is an amateur wrestler turned professional wrestler, currently employed by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Kurt has been known to sing every now and then (mostly, if not always, in comedic form). The most notable songs being "I Don't Suck (Really)" from the WWE Originals album and "Sexy Kurt" (a parody of "Sexy Boy" by Shawn Michaels) from the March 24, 2005 edition of WWE Smackdown. .