Karzan Mahmood | ru

'King of Ghazals' Talat Mahmood was born in a highly cultured but conservative family in Lucknow, India, on Feb. 24, 1924. He was one amongst six children. Talat showed his musical leanings from a very young age and would enjoy sitting through all-night music soiree's listening patiently to some of the biggest names in Indian classical music. Later, for a very short period of time Talat studied music at Marris Music College, before people began noticing his natural singing talent and offers to sing began to pour in. Talat Mahmood began his music career at the young age of 16...
Pouya Mahmoodi has been forging a new path for Iranian music, weaving together the seemingly disparate threads of Persian classical tradition and rock, jazz, and blues.He was the lead singer and guitarist of the pioneering Iranian band BARAD who released an album on Hermes Records. His debut solo album Mehr (Faryaad; US release date February 19, 2008) showcases his virtuosic interweaving of musical worlds, drawing on elements that make Iran’s music unique. .
Найдено 22 песни, продолжительность: 36:15
Never Look Back
Musa The Sniper
The Glasshouse
Off To Taqqa
The Final Attack
Y'guys Ready
Down On The Ground
Do You Copy
Where The Hell's Everyone
The Sandstorm
You See Any Thing
Everybody Have Their Gear
The Red Lake
Hand Me Over The Flag
Waking Up In Fire
Into The Desert
Retreat To Extraction Point