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There are at least four artists called Doris: 1. The Swedish singer Doris Svensson. 2. An Argentinian band. 3. A Spanish rapper from Gijón. 4. An Irish band. More info: (1) Doris Svensson, originating from Gothenburg, Sweden. Pop and jazz singer, mostly known for her album Did You Give the World Some Love Today Baby, originally released in 1970. The album was re-released in 1996, featuring 10 bonus tracks called "the pop years". On the album she is backed by Janne "Loffe" Karlsson (drums), Bengt Karlsson (guitar), Lukas Lindholm (bass), and Berndt Egerbladh (organ). (2) The Argentinian band Doris is...
Дорис Дэй (англ. Doris Day, род. 3 апреля 1924), настоящее имя Дорис Мэри Энн фон Каппельхофф — американская певица и актриса, за свою карьеру снявшаяся более чем в 40 фильмах и записавшая 45 музыкальных альбомов. Биография Молодость Дорис родилась в Эванстоне, пригороде Цинциннати, в католической семье. Её дедушка и бабушка по отцовской и материнской линии были немецкими эмигрантами. Она была третьим ребёнком в семье. У неё было два брата - Ричард, который умер ещё до её рождения, и Пол, немного старше её. Дорис была названа в честь актрисы немого кино Дорис Киньён, которой восхищалась её мать. В молодости у неё...
As children of small-town Linkoping, Sweden, the members of Doris Days had their first joint musical experiences in 1989. At this time they were making alternative soundtracks (which they themselves labelled ”romantic interpretations”) for American movies from the 1950s. Lisa, already a promising singer, was used on some tracks, while the boys sung or toasted on others. The first result, a demo-cassette called ”Cricket Buddhist”, was praised in the media as ”deeply impressive” and the issue was quickly sold out. Despite the growing public interest in the trio, this co-operation was put on ice until late 1991. During the years...
Doris Duke was born Doris Curry, in Sandersville, Georgia in 1945, although the month isn't known. By 1963, Doris had reached the New York City music scene and was earning a crust as both a session singer and a regular back-up artist at the city's famed Apollo Theatre. 'Running Away From Loneliness', her first single, came out in 1966. Two years later her pairing of 'You Can't Do That' and 'Lost Again', (bonus tracks on the CD) came out on the newly-minted Jay Boy label. (The third bonus track is from the same session, and a further track from the...