Anton Vader | ru

Invader is the name of several artists: 1. INVADER, a thrash metal band from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. The INVADER band from Ukraine has started since January 27, 2007 in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. From the first days, their shows have always been hard, heavy and energetical, and at the same time melodic. Dmitry Shevtsov (vocals, guitar, founder of the band), Andrey Trofimenko (drums, co-founder) and Oleg Magdalina (bass guitar) are the members of INVADER. During those years these musicians stayed in the band, never leaving it, excepting the second guitarist's place which is changing from time to time. And with each new guitarist,...
Анто́нио Вива́льди (итал. Antonio Lucio Vivaldi; 4 марта 1678, Венеция — 28 июля 1741, Вена) — итальянский композитор, скрипач, педагог, дирижёр. Учился игре на скрипке у своего отца Джованни Баттисты Вивальди, скрипача собора св. Марка; возможно, композиции — у Джованни Легренци, возможно, также обучался у Арканджело Корелли в Риме. 18 сентября 1693 пострижение Вивальди в монахи. 18 сентября 1700 возведен в сан дьякона. 23 марта 1703 Вивальди рукоположен в сан священника. На следующий день отслужил первую самостоятельную мессу в церкви Сан-Джованни ин Олео. За непривычный для венецианцев цвет волос его прозвали рыжим священником. 1 сентября 1703 года принят в приют...
Antonio Orozco is a Spanish singer-songwriter from Barcelona, Spain. He has won several prizes like the Premio Onda and sold lots of records, his first album sold more than 100,000 copies, whereas his second album titled Semilla del Silencio sold over 300,000 copies. In 2005 he released a self titled album Antonio Orozco, which was a compilation of his best songs (twelve in total) that eventually propelled him into stardom outside Spain, mainly in Latin America and other parts of the world. Some of his better known songs include: "Te Esperaré" and "Déjame". He is known as well because of...
Antonio Aguilar was a popular Mexican singer, actor, producer and writer. He was from a small town in Zacatecas called Tayahua and was born on May 17, 1919, Died 19 June 2007. This town is close to Villanueva, Zacatecas, Mexico. The story goes that he came to California undocumented and that he slept for three days in the Plazita Olvera or Olvera Street in Los Angeles. He began his acting career during the Golden Era of Mexican Cinematography. He is credited with exposing the sport of la charrería, considered to have originated in Mexico to international audiences. Antonio Aguilar began...