Isocore | ru

Isocore is Paolo Elmo. Born in Rome, Italy in 1983, started producing beats in 1999 together with Pierlo and later on with Jacques Malchance, under the monicker CCC Boriki. In 2003 with the same people and the Stuttgarter Tracky Birthday designed the Upitup "simcity" website, and started what it is now Upitup Records. Soon after he started his very intense and always evolving live and djing activity that counts 300+ gigs all over Europe, sharing the stage with artists such as Luke Vibert, Graham Massey, Legowelt, Team Doyobi, Global Goon, Ceephax Acid Crew, Tim Exile, Jason Forrest and more. His...
Найдено 34 песни, продолжительность: 01:52:49
So Low
Hey You
Mo No Glory
The End
Yamaha AD
yamaha ad
Train To Astray
Clap Trap
Million Tears
Lazy Merda
Crush The Industry ( ISO 19/1905 cool!)
Saturday Night
Just Another Night
Welcome To The Club
Love Distance Lone Affair ( ISO 19/1905 cool!)
Guardia Piemontese
Jet Rocket ( ISO 19/1905 cool!)
146 Seconds Summer
Colours of the Rainbow
Bagger 288! (ISO 19/1905 cool!)
Nom Nom Nom (ISO 19/1905 cool!)