Arms Reach | ru

Армстронг Дэниел Луи "Сэчмо" ("Сэчелмаут", "Гейтмаут", "Диппер-маут", "Диппер", "Фэйс", "Попс", "Литл Луис", "Кинг оф Джаз", "Амбассадор Сэтч"). Великий американский джазовый музыкант, трубач, корнетист, вокалист, руководитель оркестра, композитор. Дату своего рождения точно не знал и, скорее всего, выбрал ее произвольно - 4 августа 1901 года; более правдоподобная версия - 1898 год. Рос в бедной, неблагополучной семье. Мать - прачка, нелегально занималась проституцией. Отец - рабочий-поденщик. Воспитывался бабушкой. С детства был вынужден самостоятельно зарабатывать на жизнь продавцом газет, разносчиком угля, старьевщиком и тому подобное. В Сторвилле (новоорлеанском "квартале развлечений") слышал многих музыкантов раннего джаза, пел в уличном вокальном ансамбле, играя также на...
Sweet ARMS is a vocal group consisting of voice actresses Iori Nomizu, Misuzu Togashi, Kaori Sadohara, Misato and are affiliated with Nippon Columbia. The voice actor unit was formed during the animation of "Upotte !!". The origin of the name is a mix of "cuteness" and "Short Arms", and became "sweet Arms". .
It looks like Sweden's melodic hard 'n' heavy scene is an endless source of talented bands/musicians. The latest big thing is called REACH and "Reach Out To Rock" is the debut album that comes to shake things for good. The band's cover of Avicii’s super hit ”Wake me up” in August 2013, achieved to become a huge success and about one year later the video has over 1.000.000 views AND still counting. The band released in early 2014 the single “Black Lady” to show their song writing abilities and proved that they were not just a cover band....
Preacher are an eight piece progressive rock band from the United Kingdom who have been making quite a name for themselves thanks to their regular touring schedule and festival appearances. Their flawless live shows are performed before stunning visual backdrops and light shows which create an almost hypnotic experience reminiscent of Pink Floyd at their height and never fails to leave their sell out crowds in raptures. The band is made up of Martin Murphy (Lyrics, Vocals, Guitar); Arnie Burgoyne (Keyboards); Greg Murphy (Lead Guitar); Iain Duncan (Drums); Gordon Munro (Bass); Ron Rodgers (Acoustic Guitar) and finally the female backing...
Several records under this name were issued during the 1920s. .