Celso Piña y su Ronda Bogotá | ru

Ruppina was a J-Pop group on avex trax. After being together for about 3 years releasing 5 singles, 2 mini-albums, 1 original album, and finally a best-of album, they broke up and vocalist Mai Kudou went solo under the name of 舞 (Mai). .
The band SPINAL CORD originates from the town of Busko Zdroj and started playing as a unit in August 1999. The music and style slowly evolved and began to take shape to become the bands own style. In April 2000 SPINAL CORD began work on a three track promotional demo "A.D.2000" in Lublin's Hendrix Studio. The recordings were looked over by Arkadiusz (Malta) Malczewski. At the same time Michal Nowakowski gave the band the opportunity to play their first big concert on "Behemoth's Millenium Tour 2000", of which BEHEMOTH, DEVILYN, and NOMAD were all a part. At the beginning of...
Born in 5 of january of 1956, the carioca guitar player, started to play professionally in the 70's, together with Raul Seixas and Sá & Guarabyra. Founded the band "Legião Estrangeira" in 1976, and started to play on pubs. Passed to get more know it in the 80's, when he sent a tape to the "Rádio Fluminense", situated in the Rio, turned to the rock repertory. Recorded the first album in 1984, "Som na Guitarra", which include's his biggest sucess: "Aumenta Que Isso Aí É Rock'n Roll". One of the first persons to sing blues in portuguese, choose the artistic...
Ponajprv si povedzme, čo znamená výraz: Ska - Pra Šupina. Dobové anály na túto otázku nevedia nájsť spoľahlivej odpovede. Bežná linguálna analýza poukazuje na súčasť kaprieho tela - jednoducho - iba tak, samozvane a samofunkčne. Avšak, tento, v bežnom živote správny a logický postup naráža na povesť, ktorú si pamätajú iba bájni zakladatelia. V časoch, keď ešte nejestvoval názov skupiny si ktorýsi kamarát, pri akejsi príležitosti, zmordovaný čímsi všimol na podlahe v niečej garáži, drobný, polo-priesvitný predmet, známy aj pod menom - brnkátko. Obzrel ho prekvapene proti svetlu a vyhlásil zlomovú vetu: Ale veď to je taká s kapra šupina....