Gulag | en

There is more than one artist named Gulag: 1) A hardcore band from Barcelona. 2) A death metal trio formed in 2013 by André Neil (G/V, Laconist), Michel Belletatti (D, Dis-ordher) and Adriano Martins (B, ex-Kamala). A split with fellow Brazilian deathsters Degolate, entitled Consanguineous Fury, was released in early 2014. 3) A depressive black metal band from São Paulo, Brazil. 4) A punk rock/hardcore band from Brasília, Brazil. .
Gulag Tunes was a conceptual art-rock project which reinterprets the folkloric music of the gulags by combining traditional Russian minor-key melodies with roots rock. The themes that form the core of Gulag Tune's instrumental compositions are all based on traditional prison music (or similar songs) banned during the Soviet era for being too brutal,cruelly romantic or otherwise distasteful to the regime. Prison songs (known as blatniak) in Russia enjoy great popularity similar to one of country music in the U.S. There are many music labels and radio stations that indulge in this kind of music. Why is music and lifestyle...