David Wright | th

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1- David WRIGHT, american jazz guitarist

2014 has already been a productive and busy year for David, including several new group situations and two album releases! His latest release, Blue Beach Boardwalk is a mellow mainstream jazz release with bossa and latin elements, it’s an enjoyable mellow and relaxing jazz jaunt ideal for the warm summer months.

His other release of 2014, Music From The International Airport Hotel Lounge is an offering solidly in the ‘Modern Jazz’ genre.

These releases follow up an equally busy and productive 2013, which also saw the release of two all new material jazz albums! Jazz Social a jazz release in the tradition of blues influenced jazz guitar and Juniper Snowberries, a much more ‘new age jazz’ type of recording. (which has been favorably likened to the early work of Pat Metheny)

Following his warmly received releases of 2006, CDBaby editors recommended Cachet and critically appreciated instrumental release Dajinosaurus and after a several year hiatus David is back, excited, inspired and rejuvenated!

Venturing into the new social technology realm David has been involved in a number of online collaborations with musicians from all over the world, including two fine Italian musicians, Tommaso Monopoli and Gianluca Grasso, Drums and Piano respectively who are currently collaborating on a project which should culminate in a CD and DVD! at some point later this year.

In a more geographically local way David has been really lucky to have been involved in the underground jazz scene at the now defunct “Berkeley Birdland Jazzista Social Club” in Berkeley California. With fellow musicians Eric Allen and Paul Lynch (the band leader), drums and bass respectively, David was a core member of this original group and helped launched this bit of Berkeley lore. He is very thankful to have benefitted from weekly performances here for several years!

From his initial early training on classical guitar and his early pianistic attempts of trying copy Keith Jarrett (Koln Concert), “I would get inspired and sit at the piano and try to play and emulate the feeling of the “Koln” concerts”.

To his time spent living in Vermont, Boston, Chicago, New York playing everything from Hip Hop to Rock, backing singer-songwriters and being present in musical theatre orchestras, To his years spent playing and learning jazz, absorbing and appreciating the many sub genres of Jazz. Including Sonny Rollins, Hank Mobley, Pat Metheny, Kenny Burrell, Grant Green and Wes Montgomery. (To this day, in his appreciation of Wes Montgomery and Kevin Eubanks, Dave employs the use of his thumb and fingers exclusively, in place of a ‘pick’)

So although being a late bloomer, getting a late start in music at age 15, David is having more fun than ever and is finally able to combine his many varied musical influences into a cohesive end result and is very excited about what lies ahead!

David is currently focused on writing, recording and performing original music.

2-David Wright is the UK based keyboard player and composer of instrumental music who founded the electronic music label AD Music in 1989. He is also co-founder of the ambient/electronic rock band Code Indigo and the electronic instrumental music duo Callisto. His music is characterised as melodic and emotive with atmospheric, ambient and ethereal traits. His gently rhythmic style is also laced with classical, rock, jazz and cultural influences making his albums as diverse as they are original.

David Wright was born in the UK in 1953 but lived much of his early years in the Far East. An avid fan of progressive rock, his musical influences range from Pink Floyd & Mike Oldfield to the classics. David came to public attention in 1989 when his first solo release 'Reflections' was signed by Klaus Schulze's manager KD Mueller, who published David's output until 1995. Since 'Reflections', David Wright has released many instrumental music albums as a solo performer, establishing a strong reputation in Europe and the USA.

His music has been likened to Kitaro, Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Jean Michel Jarre and Mike Oldfield. An established live performer, he has appeared with, amongst others, Jonn Serrie and Klaus Schulze. His music is regularly featured on radio playlists worldwide and has featured on Sky, British TV and numerous international CD compilations. His music has been published by Notting Hill Music since 1995 and he has released over 20 solo albums and numerous collaborative works, including with Robert Fox, Ian Boddy and Klaus Hoffmann-Hoock (Mind Over Matter).

For more information see http://www.admusiconline.com/ or http://www.davidwrightmusic.com/


