Destruction of a Rose | th

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In the Metal Scene of today emerges a band that is on a war path to prove they're "here to stay". A simple statement from such a complex band. Destruction of a Rose hails from the same city of bands such as Escape the Fate, The Killers, Molotov Solution, Panic at the Disco & the Cab to name a few who helped put Las Vegas on the map for musical talent.

Destruction of a Rose are no new comers to the scene by any means. With 4 solid years as a band they have become a household name amongst the local scene. Destruction of a Rose has had their ups and downs like any other band, but always found a way to keep fighting the good fight. Most bands today lack a few basic elements that play a bigger factor in a bands career than how many plays their myspace gets, its called Heart. Destruction of a Rose have devoted themselves to making the best music they can for the love of making music, not for the scene popularity contest that builds massive egos and becomes the downfall of every band.

With plans to get on the road and in the studio later this year, this metal machine is only getting stronger, more greased up, and more in your face than ever. Longevity is the ultimate goal, not to be mistaken for another trend. .

