Diet Kong | th

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A lot can happen when boys and girls stay up late. Coma Motor Inn tells the story of one chaotic night at a motel; the kind with three-hour short stays and mirrors on the ceiling. These places inspire and amuse Brooklyn artists Keith Gladysz and Jenn Penn, the duo behind the electro party-rock outfit Diet Kong.

Keith Gladysz is a visual artist (studied with Alex Grey); musician (collaborated with Karsh Kale, Mike Bloom of Rilo Kiley and the Elected, and Ming&FS); and designer (designed products for Powerpuff Girls and Spongebob Squarepants). He attended the Shambhala School of Buddhist Studies, has an affinity for Ayn Rand and is a Liberal turned Libertarian.

Keith met Jenn while studying art at NYU. After a few smoke breaks during their public art class, they realized they dated in 7th grade. Having lost touch for years, Jenn filled in the blanks; describing her experiences serving in the Army, working on a music barge and conserving a 3,000-year-old mummy. Keith was intrigued, and still is. They immediately began working together, co-founding the Body Electric, an art-collective at the Walt Whitman Birthplace.

Diet Kong is the continuation of Keith and Jenn's creative work together, with Keith as co-songwriter, front-man, and visual artist; and Jenn as video artist, percussionist and laptopper. .
