Dressed in Wires | th

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Firmly entrenched in the electronica hotbed of North England, Dressed in Wires takes laptop music and throws it into the ring with a DIY garage punk approach, using a CD full of cracked software and a cheap soundcard engineering an aesthetic from the dirty cheap sounds from dirty cheap equipment. Dressed In Wires making music that’s perfectly palatable and lovely, and making sounds that want to genuinely, physically kill people in the face.

Within Dressed in Wires we find bursts of glitchwhore, post-gabba drill-und-bass with the odd lash of hardcore drone, using his souped-up, heavily modded, hacked & cracked laptop, all precariously wired together with a few guitar distortion pedals. Playing live, it’s a whole other mighty kettle of fish; rarely pretty, never a beauty contest. Now that fans have actually started bringing in their own unwanted computer equipment for DiW to physically and emotionally abuse, things can only get bloodier, though at one Christmas show at White Rooms in Sunderland he was dragged of stage by the bouncer, which was canny. .

