Echoes of the Whales | th

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If whales were able to make music how would it sound? We can’t be sure they would use the same resonances these two boy scouts extracted from their instruments, yet we have good reasons for believing whales music would probably be as minimal and ambient as this.
Though Populous and Pierpaolo Leo are such different musical figures (the first best known for his two indie hip-hop records on Morr Music, the latter for his long time experimentations in the avant-garde milieu), they collaborated and recorded their EOTW album at home, helping themselves with all but modern technologies, aiming at the spirit of pioneers of electronic music like Raymond Scott and psychedelic-rock heroes like United States Of America.

EOTW is a record of eerie folk with guitars (played by Stefano Pilia and Jukka Riverberi of Giardini Di Mirò, among others), Farfisa organs, feedbacks and digital grains merging to create a fertile resounding ground: a real extension of the natural environment.

Actually, you may find listening to these echoes very fulfilling while paddling in your kayak, cleaning up a shore or trying to photograph penguins in Antarctica.

