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PowerSolo | th

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What do you think of when you hear the name "PowerSolo"? 'Round Denmark way, the moniker apparently conjures the trash-rock psychobilly legacy of Hasil Adkins, the Cramps, and Southern Culture on the Skids. Powersolo may be a power trio, but in this case, the prog-metal acrobatics of rush are replaced with something they call "donkey punk." Two tremolo-loving chicken-scratch, rail-thin guitarists Kim Kix and Atomic Child. And drummer J.C. Benz playing his trade on just a snare, bass drum, and floor tom. It would've been good enough had PowerSolo hailed from the Land of NASCAR. But the fact that this exercise in B-movie punk-a-billy is coming from Aarhus, Denmark, adds plenty of delicious cognitive dissonance. "The next song goes out to Grandma. It's called "Stupid Little Bitch!"" .


