Quarteto Novo | th

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Quarteto Novo only released one album, yet they number amongst one of the more influential acts in Brazilian music. Originally set up as a trio by a pharmaceutical company who wanted a live band at an event, they were then picked up by Geraldo Vandré (who was, at that time in 1966, the winner of a Brazilian music popularity competition) for a tour of the Brazilian North East. After the tour the trio, comprised of a very young percussionist Airto Moreira, Theo de Barros (bass, composer and subsequent guitarist, solo artist, soundtrack composer, producer, arranger...) and Heraldo do Monte (guitar player who also went on to have a fairly successful career), was joined by multi-instrumentalist Hermeto Pascoal - "the most impressive musician in the world" - Miles Davis.

Recorded in 1967, this was the first album for Airto, and was a hugely influential release - mixing the traditional music of North East Brazil with bebop jazz. .


