виктор екимовский | th

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Victor Ekimovsky - composer and musicologist.
Born September 12, 1947, in Moscow, son of General Alexei Zakharovich Ekimovsky and Nadezhda Mikhailovna Ekimovskaya (née Karabanova), a physician. Graduated from Gnesin Music College, Moscow, 1966, and from Gnesin Musical-Pedagogic Institute, 1971, where he studied composition with Aram Khachaturyan and history of music with Konstantin Rozenschild; completed post-graduate course in History of Foreign Music under the direction of Galina Filenko at the Leningrad Conservatoire, 1978, with the thesis Olivier Messiaen: Characteristics of His Style and Aesthetics. Candidate of Arts, 1983. Employed as editor at the Publishing House Muzyka, Moscow, 1973-83. List of his works (over 90 titles, mostly chamber and orchestral compositions) starts 1969. Works have been performed in different countries at such contemporary music festivals as the Moscow Autumn (since 1979), the Alternative (Moscow, since 1989), Zagreb Biennale (1987), Warsaw Autumn (1988), New Beginnings Glasgow, 1989), Sergey Prokofiev Festival (Germany, 1991), Frankfurt Fest (1991, 1993), Wien Modern (1991), etc. Many compositions published by Sovetsky Kompozitor and Muzyka, Moscow, Hans Sikorski, Deutscher Verlag für Musik, Belaieff and recorded on LP’s and CD’s by Melodia, Olympia and Chants du Monde. His articles on contemporary music have appeared in the magazints Sovetskaya Muzyka, Melodia, Music in the USSR, Inharmoniques (IRCIAM), Zvuk, Beograd, Musik Texte, Köln. His monograph on Olivier Messiaen issued by the Sovetsky Kompozitor in 1987 was the first to be written in Russia. Since 1996 Ekimovsky is President of the Russian Association of Contemporary Music; elected to the Board of the Moscow Composers Union in 1992 and to the Secretariat of the Composers Union of Russian Federation. .