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Salem al Fakir is a self made Swedish musician who has been featured with the likes of Snook and Robyn. His artistry includes piano and violin, singularly producing his first album before plunging into the world music stream. His fellow swedes often refer to him as their very own "Mika" for his affably pop style. To categorize, Salem attributes his music as "very-soul-influenced-piano-pop with funk and progressive 70's influences as well. If one would place me somewhere musically, it would be between Stevie Wonder, Röyksopp, Air and Jojje Wadenius." His credentials include nominations in 7 categories for the 2008 Swedish...
There are at least 2 musical acts named Regal 1) a french psychedelic rock band 2) a spanish techno producer from Madrid 1) Regal is a French psychedelic/garage rock band that features members of Le Pécheur. Their debut LP, Possible Endings was recorded and mastered in September of 2011and released in December on Azbin Records/Frantic City. Regal's second album misery, love and redemption was released in January 2013 on azbin records. It was azbin records sixth release and carried on the high standard of releases. This album has element's of post punk mixed into the garage rock template. That is...
Fakie es una banda originada en Santiago de Chile el año 1997. Sus integrantes son Jorge Ramírez, Sebastián Caices, Andrés Zarzar y Gonzalo Gaimer. El género musical de la banda es emo, el cual fue muy enfatizado en la época de las tribus urbanas, siendo uno de los primeros grupos en nuestro país que se encargo de masificar y experimentar este estilo de música. Exactamente en marzo del año 1997, Jorge Ramírez y Alejandro Velásquez se conocen en el colegio de la Salle. Estos compartían los mismos gustos e ideas acerca de la música, y a medida que pasaba el...
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