Darge | th

Born in Bruges, Belgium in 1952, Moniek Darge has worked as a composer, violinist, performer and installation artist. She studied music theory and violin at the Music Conservatory of Bruges as well as painting at the Ghent Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Arthistory, Philosophy and Anthropology. She has published extensively on her musical experiences in Kenya, Rwanda, Japan, China, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand, both in 'Logos-Blad', the monthly magazine of the Logos Foundation (of which she is editor), and on numerous radio programs. She is currently assistant professor at the Hogeschool Gent where she teaches 20th Century Art History,...
Born in 1980, he is an italian hip-hop artist. His first solo album "Musica senza Musicisti" came out in 2006, after his experience in Sacre Scuole, a hip-hop group which evolved in Club Dogo. .