Gauntlet | th

1. GAUNTLET, heavy metal band from Madrid, Spain. Formed in 1998. Releases: "Stubborn" (Molusco Records, 2012) "What Doesn´t Kill Us..." (Molusco Records, 2008) "The Comeback" (Gauntlet Music, 2007) "Path Of Nails" (Gauntlet Music, 2006) The Band: Miguel Rocha: Guitars & Vocals Daniel Millán: Guitar & Backing Vocals Santiago García: Bass & Backing Vocals Alejandro Martínez: Drums 2. Gauntlet is an act from melbourne, Australia with members from Always and Krystkrvstoffiston, they play “grey metal” Their music varies from show to show but mainly consists of atmospheric acoustic to more noise influenced white/grey/black metal to dark ambient material with drum machines....
Gauntlet Hair was (2009-2013) an indie rock band from Denver, Colorado. The members consisted of Craig Nice and Andy Rauworth. After releasing two extended plays, they signed to record label Dead Oceans and have released their self-titled debut album. .
Nimmo and the Gauntletts are now called Nimmo 5 enthusiastic musicians from North West London creating a fresh and raw mixture of jazzy folk with 'that bit more heart' than most stuff out there. Represented by the Joe Strummer foundation, Strummerville, the band is led by two charismatic front girls, Sarah Nimmo and Reva Gauntlett . This double headed indie acoustic songwriting duo offer something different, refreshing and special when they perform live with their 5 piece band and have played all over London in established venues such as the Big Chill House, Proud Galleries, the Rhythm Factory and have...
An exceptionally gift­ed or­gan­ist, Gaunt­lett was well known in 19th Cen­tu­ry Eng­lish mu­sic cir­cles. He was al­so, in turn, law­yer, au­thor, or­gan de­sign­er, and or­gan re­ci­tal­ist. His fa­ther, Hen­ry Gaunt­lett, was Cur­ate at Well­ing­ton Par­ish Church, Sa­lop, Eng­land, where Hen­ry John was born. Hen­ry had two sis­ters, Ly­dia and Ar­a­bel­la, both ac­comp­lished mu­si­cians. When his fa­ther moved to Ol­ney, Buck­ing­ham­shire, in 1814, he int­end­ed the two girls to share the post of or­gan­ist, but the young Gaunt­lett per­suad­ed his fa­ther to ap­point him ins­tead. With­in six months, be­ing taught by his mo­ther, he was pro­fi­cient enough to take up the...
NS Black metal band from Athens,Greece.Formed in 1997. Current line-up Pain - All music and Vocal Former/past member(s) Vassilis - Drums Angel - Vocal Aithir - Drums, Vocal .