WWO | th

WWO is a Polish hip hop group. The letters in the groups name originally stood for W Witrynach Odbicia. The two members of the group who originally started the underground project, which was WWO ("W Witrynach Odbicia"), were: Sokol (rapper) and Jedker (rapper) establishing themselves underground in 1996 releasing singles like 'Flippery' and 'Kolenda' which were made on tape and sold underground. The group claim these singles were made purely for themselves, for their own pleasure and enjoyment of hip-hop. WWO is part of a wider crew called ZIP sklad, the members of which are: Jedker, Sokol, Pono, Felipe, Mieron,...
Armed with inspirational lyrics and a fresh new sound, Newworldson is rescuing soul music from being a mere genre or label and returning the art form to its sacred roots. Singer Joel Parisien says, "there's a lack of community in people's lives today. If you trace back the roots of 'roots' music, of 'soul' music, of 'folk' music, it's about folks; it's social music. We hope our fans become our friends. We hope they leave our shows feeling inspired. Our community is about uplifting people." To a post-modern world that revolves around celebrity and consumerism, a manifesto like that seems...
You wouldn't be entirely wrong NOT thinking that The Dead Bears is Newworldaquariums debut album, but yet it is. It's true, years back Amsterdam based producer Jochem Peteri released an album called 'Strike', using his pseudonym 154. "But to tell you the truth that's a very personal project", Peteri states. "It reflects my abstract side. Newworldaquarium is more about me and the world around me." The Dead Bears. If you've seen 'Grizzly Man' by film director, Werner Herzog, you'll understand how and why Peteri was inspired. Originally The Dead Bears was also the name of an attempted krautrock-band, but sadly,...