Primrose | th

Primrose was a young Japanese rock band that was active from 2002 to 2004. The band consisted of four members, 龍詩 (Ryuuji) on vocals, 夢人 (Yumehito) on guitar, 龍緋 (Tatsuhi) on bass, and Yuya on drums, though for a while, they played with a guitarist named UZ. Members 夢人 and Yuya had been friends since a young age, and in 1998, the two started playing music together in a school band. Years later, in 2000, 夢人 met 龍緋, and in 2001, he met 龍詩. The four became friends, and in 2002, they formed their first real band, Primrose. Primrose played...
The evening primrose is a duo formed in 2007. In the same year, they released their debut album "Stargazer". It was not long before one of the songs 'stargazer' was part of an Asian shoegaze compilation named "Half Dreaming", released by the Japanese label Quince Records. In January 2010, the evening primrose produced their new conceptual album entitled "Starless" with JoyTrendySound. .
Primrose Circus was a five-piece band from Houston, TX. Their sole release was on Mira Records, and appeared in 1967 in the USA and 1970 in the UK. A review says: "'P.S. Call Me Lulu' is a pop psych delight and is pure 1967 greatness with jangle, tambourine and turned on harmonies. The flip 'In My Mind' sounds like something Simon & Garfunkel could have recorded if someone had given them a tab of clear light." Further information can be found here: .