Henri G, DJ Auerbach | th

Let's just pause for one second; now, think about all that music that has so enriched your life down the years. All of it, without fault, and regardless of any strict genre definitions, is soul music. If it flicks a switch deep inside you, speaks to you, comforts you and makes you feel good about yourself, then that, my friend, is soul music. German DJ and producer Henrik Schwarz understands this musical truth more than most.A long-time aficionado of those musical forms that are commonly rooted in some appreciation of this sonic legacy - funk, house, disco, jazz, techno, and...
Dan Auerbach (born Daniel Quine Auerbach on 14 May 1979 in Akron, Ohio) is an American musician. A multi-instrumentalist, Auerbach is best-known as the guitarist and vocalist for The Black Keys, a blues/rock group from Akron, Ohio. Auerbach grew up in a family with musical roots. His second cousin once removed was the late guitarist Robert Quine, an American guitarist known for his innovative guitar solos. Auerbach became infatuated with blues music during his childhood after being exposed to old records by his father. Auerbach often uses an index finger fingerpick along with his thumb to play chords, a technique...
Henri Salvador (born July 18, 1917, Cayenne, French Guiana, died February 13, 2008, Paris) was a French singer. His father, Clovis, and his mother, Antonine Paterne, daughter of an native Indian from the Caribbean, were both from Guadeloupe. Salvador recorded several songs written with Boris Vian with Quincy Jones as arranger. In the 60's Salvador was the television host of several popular TV variety shows on French TV. Henri Salvador and his song "Dans mon île" (1957) is said to have unwittingly inspired bossa nova in Brazil, as Carlos Tom Jobim would have exclaimed on hearing the song "This is...
Tuomas Henrikin Jeesuksen Kristuksen Bändi is a band from Oulu, Finland. Their music is referred as Electro-psychedelic post-muniinpuhaltelu-sludge-jazz doom-punk. Their new album ''Käkkyrällään'' is published at 7th of February. http://tuomashenrikki.bandcamp.com/ http://www.myspace.com/tuomashenrikki .
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