Robby Maria | tl

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The story of argentine singer Robby Maria Muñoz resembles an Odyssey with all errings, fates and idioms. Growing up in Germany Robby pursues a career as a football professional, which is suddenly terminated at the age of 14 years. The family literally impoverishes over night, removals follow and Robby withdraws completely into the world of music, which he just begins to discover.
After being hired as lead singer for various local rockbands, 22 year old Robby leaves for Hollywood.

It is Jerry Cantrell, who picks up Robby off the streets of Hollywood more dead than alive and encourages him to develop his unusual voice and enormous songwriting talent. Robby follows this advice, moves to New Orleans, where he hopes to establish a rock band with his childhood friend Stephan Metzner. There are quiet a few inquiries from the music industry, but seeing Robby exclusively as „the plateful Latin Lover “. This tendency finally culminates in an offer by Capitol Records which wants to send the 25-year old singer as a sort of „dancing and singing Casanova “on tour, what Robby strictly rejects.

Robby, completely broke, had to accept a job in a paint shop and worked 14 hours daily in a complete body protection suit stripping down doors. Saving enough money Robby leaves the U.S. in order to live a simple life outside „a cruel system “.

The following year he spends with a native tribe in the jungle of South America, helps with the daily work and shares with them the same concerns and hopes. Robby, himself an ancestor of the native Mapuche people, travels almost whole South America by foot, bus and boat, hiring as an assistant on building sites or translator.

A heavy illness of his stepfather made Robby resettle again to Germany in 2003. „These 3 years of wandering had shown me that everything is possible, anytime, anywhere. Back in the civilization I could have asked myself where to go from here, how to fit in, but that I have never done. It was clear to me that this part of my life had now come to an end and to continue I would have to take up what is my job: write songs & sing ‘em, tell the story. “

In early 2006 Robby met drummer Anni Müller in a Berlin shared apartment and started "The Silent Revolution" with her. The band produced their first 5 track EP "Apocalyptic Folk Music" in 2008 and is located in Berlin/Germany.


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