Anis Karek, Cafe De Anatolia | tl

One of the music acts named Cafe is a Slovenian band, which performed at Pop delavnica with Alenka Godec in 1988. As debutant, she received three awards, which was unprecedented. .
there are two artists who go under the name of Manish/MANISH 1) A jpop duo 2) A DJ ----- 1) MANISH was a Japanese pop duo comprised of vocalists Nishimoto Mari and Takahashi Misuzu. The act lasted from 1992-1998. 2) Manish is a DJ of unknown age, gender or language. The only thing known for sure is that Manish made a remix of Senator Ted Stevens' rather uninformed speech about net neutrality. .
A band formed of: Alex Martin - Bass Bobby Loya - Trumpet Cafe - Main Performer Carlos Luna - Trombone Darren Mora - Mastering David Reyes - Sax (Baritone), Sax (Tenor) Joey Carbone - Drums Jose Gomez - Percussion Patty Rich - Vocals (Background) Steffen Presley - Bass, Engineer, Keyboards, Mixing, Organ (Hammond), Percussion, Synthesizer .
Ye Banished Privateers is a ten man strong band from Umeå, Sweden. The members consist of Members: Peter Mollwing, Jens Choong, Eva Maaharra, Björn Malmros, Sara Wallin, Emil Mäki, Magnus Mäki, Martin Gavelin, Jonas Nilsson, Richard Larsson and Hampus Holm. The band recently released their debut album Songs and Curses, for free download on the Pirate Bay. The Album received nothing but positive comments, and was downloaded more than 120.000 times during the first week, placing itself as the No 1. downloaded album during the first 48 hours. Ye Banished Privateers' soundcloud page has had more than 100.000 streams since...
Café Tacvba (often spelled Café Tacuba*) is a band from the Lomas de Sotelo neighborhood in Mexico City, Mexico. Their musical style covers a wide variety of genres, though it is most commonly labeled as Rock en Español. Their music has been heavily influenced by Mexico's indigenous population and folk music traditions, most notable the Jarocho style of the state of Veracruz, but also by punk and electronic music and other bands in the Mexico City scene. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of their music is Albarrán's nasal voice, which, combined with his impressive lung capacity (as demonstrated on "La...