Sziámi | tl

Founded by Péter Müller in 1985 (releasing demos from '86) after the breakup of cult-underground band Kontroll Csoport, they gained splendid success in the end of '80s, with their distinctive, experimentational music, strongly relying on female vocals and the guitarist/composer J. Gasner's significant playing. Many claim that Müller was one of the most important figure of the hungarian underground, and also media -in 2005 he was the advisor of the Hungarian State Opera House for a few weeks, and he's former team is behind one of Mid-Europe's biggest yearly music festival, Sziget. In 2005 Sziami played the longest concert all...
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Államosítani Kéne (Anima Sound System Remix)
Államosítani Kéne (Anima Sound System Remix)
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