The Madeleines | tl

The Madeleines formed after childhood friends James (guitar/vocals), Matt (guitar/vocals) and Dunc (formerly drums), who went to school together in South Wales, where they spent their teenage years playing punk and new wave covers in various bands, all found themselves a few years later living in London. Out for James’ birthday, making music together again came up heatedly in conversation, and new friend Mike, originally from Knebworth, drunkenly promised to buy a bass. Thankfully, Mike is a man of his word, and a couple of days later they found themselves writing songs together, all agreeing that The Smiths, Television, The...
Natagpuan 39 mga kanta, tagal: 02:30:08
The Nihilist (Thus Spoke Propaganda, Pt. 1)
Underwater (featuring Lou Armstrong)
Yellowstone ㄲ
Decimal Time ㄲ
Decimal Time
Challenger Deep
Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh ㄲ
Worm Season ㄲ
8 Minutes ㄲ
Worm Season
Strip Mall Vet
Strip Mall Vet ㄲ
Holes And Stripes
Spring Time
Spring Time ㄲ
Ahead Of The Curve
The Madeleine
Happiness Machines
The Nihilist (Thus Spoke Propaganda, Part I)
Miracle Man I
Burned Again (Thus Spoke Propaganda, Part II)
The Turning Away
Happiness Machines
Nightmares & Dreamscapes
Diet of Worms
Burned Again (Thus Spoke Propaganda, Pt. 2)
Smile(rustle of the matutinal stars)
Manhattan, Pt. 1
Heretic (Diet of Worms)
Manhattan, Part I
Litany of All Saints