Strage | tl

Coming from Milan/Italy, Destrage represents a strong compromise between european melodic deathmetal, the best american thrash/hardcore act and rock’n’roll. An incredible mix of speed, core, sickness, alternative, and sometimes introspective tunes through melodic and killer songs.An absolute must for fans of In Flames, Soilwork, Nevermore, The Haunted, Darkane, Snot. .
There appear to be 2 artists with the name STRAGE 1. STRAGE is a 3-piece instrumental band from South Africa formed in 2011 by Brandon van Eeden (ex Crossingpoint). Described as mostly slow, heavy and loud but with some softer parts. Free tracks can be heard on their Facebook page, 2. An Italian metal band .
AlmostRage were a thrash metal band from Koper (Slovenia) active between 2004 and 2013. In the modern age of aggressive and bloated music in metal a shortage of simplicity, concision and uniqueness can be felt. AlmostRage, as the name implies, perform metal music with less rage and more melody. Their compositions revolve around recognition and distinction. The music ranges from fast-paced thrash riffs and rhythms to slower and catchy parts. Doing so, Edi Udovič (bass, vocals), Iztok Bajc (guitars), Bojan Sinkovič (guitars, back vocals) and Igor Marasovič (drums) try to present their ideas to a broader audience, but at the...