Goodbye Chanel | tl

Artist # 1 - Chanel Rich as the legendary name Coco CHANEL implies, this talented female vocalist, CHANEL, has slowly and delicately designed a fortune in her voice. After many years of investment in her talent, this songwriter, performer and vocal arranger has quite an impressive history for one not to be signed to a major label. CHANEL attended Dillard School of the Performing Arts, and she went on to receive a B.A. Degree in Mass Communications from Bethune-Cookman College where she performed in the Concert Choir, Vesper Chorus and the Gospel Choir. The result is the luxurious, soothing voice,...
Vocalist Tim "Trim Swinger" Singer's talking, screaming, bellowing vocal storytelling sat so nicely atop Kiss It Goodbye's dynamic and explosive songcraft that drummer Andrew Gormley would later remark to Eclipse magazine that the screamer could effectively make "me throwing my drums around the room" sound good. Equal parts off-time warping and heavy crunching guitar play, Kiss It Goodbye's music was pummeling enough to appeal to fans of Pantera, personal enough for the hardcore set, and mind-bendingly creative enough to jar loose the cynical "musician" types fond of bands like Voivod and Die Kreuzen. The roots of Seattle, WA's Kiss It...
A synth pop duo consisting of Nila K Leigh and Sam Ford. The group were originally from New York, but are now based in Seattle. .
Another forgotten band of the Mid90s. Featuring Mike Parsell of Frail on Guitar. Musically less chuggy than Frail and similar to a lot of (more) modern stuff like Yaphet Kotto or Rockets and Bluelights; lots of driving guitars and drumming with someone singing at the top of his lungs, without going "bleauurgh". They released a demo cassette, a self-titled 7" and a split with Across Five Aprils. .
Natagpuan 12 mga kanta, tagal: 55:18
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