Vici | tl

John Simon Ritchie-Beverley (May 10, 1957 – February 2, 1979), better known as Sid Vicious, was an English punk rock musician and member of the band the Sex Pistols. He died of a heroin overdose at the age of 21. In November 1977 Ritchie met American groupie Nancy Laura Spungen and they immediately began a relationship (Spungen had come to London looking for Jerry Nolan of The Heartbreakers). She was a heroin addict, and inevitably Ritchie, who already believed in his own "live fast, die young" image, soon shared the dependence. Although deeply in love, their often violent and rocky...
Egidijus Sipavičius (g. 1958 m. spalio 4 d. Kaune) – Lietuvos estrados dainininkas. 1965–1976 m. mokėsi Kauno 7-ojoje vidurinėje mokykloje. Baigęs mokyklą įstojo į Kauno politechnikos institutą studijuoti mašinų gamybos specialybės. 1979–1981 m. Kauno radijo gamyklos „Banga“ aparatūros derintojas, 1981–1982 m. Skaičiavimo technikos remonto gamyklos elektromechanikas. 1982–1984 m. Lietuvos valstybinės filharmonijos ansamblio „Vilniaus aidai“ solistas. 1984–1988 m. profesionalus muzikantas: dainavo grupėje „Roko laboratorija“, sportinio inventoriaus gamyklos grupėje „Dinamo“, vėliau pasivadinusioje „CODA“. 1989–1995 m. grupės „Egis show“ įkūrėjas ir solistas. Nuo 1989 m. su grupe gastroliavo užsienyje: koncertavo Nyderlanduose, Italijoje, Šveicarijoje. Šiuo metu – grupės „Tėtė šoka bugi“ narys. Konkursai ir...
The Vicious Five were born out of an invisible Lisbon, made of suburban trips, of boredom as fuel and motive of copyright crimes and of the praise of celebration over spectacle. This quintet's punkrock foundations are set in combos such as X-acto, Shit Sandwich, Sannyasin, Renewal, Croustibat or As Good As Dead. Somewhere in 2003, Paulo S., Rui M., Joaquim A., Edgar L. e Bruno C. band up with a good name and a few ideas. Later that year they self-released their debut EP "THE ELECTRIC CHANTS OF THE DISENCHANTED". They played in Portugal and Spain since then and until...
Más de diez años han pasado desde aquel no tan lejano año 92, en Ayodar (un pequeño pueblo de Castellón) un grupo de amigos decidieran empezar a dar forma a sus inquietudes y anelos. 3 años más tarde, con una formación ya consolidada con Victor (guitarra y voz), Juan (guitarra y coros), Tena (bajo y coros) y Juan Jose "Bulla" (batería), empiezan a dar sus primeros conciertos por la zona y a compartir tablas con grupos como Platero y tu, Reincidentes o Boikot entre otros. Un año más tarde consiguen incluir dos temas en un recopilatorio "Arsenal Rock" junto a...
Vicious Circle is the name for 6 bands. 1. A Drum and bass/Dance band from London, England The 4 man collective known as Vicious Circle began in a flat in South London in 2002. Born out of a mutual love of all things Drum n Bass and with a wide range of influences, this exciting new crew have entered the scene with a bang and intend to continue rocking dance floors with their no holds barred style of deep dark future funk. Inspired by the futuristic techy styles of the late 90s Vicious Circle set about crafting there own distinct...