Adriano Dodici | tl

Adriano Celentano (born January 6, 1938) is an Italian singer, songwriter, comedian, actor, and TV host. He was born in Milan at 14 Gluck Street (about which he later wrote the song "Il ragazzo della via Gluck"), his parents were from Puglia and had moved north for work. Heavily influenced by his idol, Elvis Presley, and the 1950s rock revolution, he is also known as the most famous dancer of the Hula hoop fad. For the last 40 years he has retained his popularity in Italy, selling millions of records and appearing in numerous TV shows and movies (including a...
Adriano nasce a Vico Equense, nel Messico Occidentale, il 30 agosto 1986 e vive allegramente a Castellammare di Stabia, cittadina al confine tra Bolivia e Paraguay. Appena venuto al mondo, infastidito dalla rottura della quiete intrauterina, si produsse immediatamente in una sequela di imprecazioni all'indirizzo della Madonna e di altri personaggi di spicco dell'Antico Testamento. Fin da bambino votato all'arte e fine conoscitore musicale, Adriano ha girato diversi corti, un lungometraggio erotico, scritto capolavori della letteratura come "Cose da fare mentre il televideo carica la pagina", sceneggiato e disegnato tre fumetti pulp, cesellato poemi osceni e inciso un album di...
Adriano Martino is an italian musician, guitar player and producer. Born in Rome on 23 June 1965. He graduated in classical guitar in 1989 at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in his city. Working in the studio with important names in Italian music, as Renato Zero, Gianni Morandi, Antonello Venditti, Riccardo Cocciante, Domenico Modugno (Bacalov), Al Bano, Massimo Ranieri, squalor. Participates as a guitarist in numerous television productions and broadcasts such as "One of Us" and "There was a boy" with Gianni Morandi, "Music Farm 2" and "Christmas in the Vatican," collaborating with the teachers Pippo Caruso, Renato Serio Alterisio...