Retrofoguetes | tl

Inspired by literature, films and science fiction comic books, the instrumental surf-music trio formed by Moroto Slim (guitar), CH (bass) and Rex (drums), have great influence of psychobilly, rockabilly, polka, traditional mexican music, bolero and valse all put together to sound like a powerfull soundtrack. Retrofoguetes started in 2002 at Salvador, Brazil. Since then they have peformed at the greatest festivals around the country what has contribute to affirm them as a very well known indie band. After recording their demo Protótipo de Demonstração nº 1 produced by André t. and Nancyta, Retrofoguetes have been part of many rock collections...
Natagpuan 64 mga kanta, tagal: 03:11:01
Retrofoguetes - Ultrassecreto
A Nova Onda Hipnotica dos Retrofoguetes
A nova onda hipnótica dos Retrofoguetes
A Nova Onda Hipnótica dos Retrofoguetes
Fuzz Manchu
Conexão Istambul
Asteróide Fantasma
Ativar Retrofoguetes!
A Nova Onda Hipnótica Dos Retrofoguetes (Remix)
Il Segreto
El Vibora
Bikini, 1958
Mister Peligro
Agente Duplo
Maldito Mambo!
Santa Sicília
Night of Excess
Night of Excess
Wreining Rouing Mai Maind
Martini & Cianeto
Andrômeda Não Responde
O Falso Turco
Miss Cuba
We Want The Airwaves
Asteroide Fantasma
O Homem de Moscou
Um Diabo em Cada Garrafa
Vênus Cassino
O Espetáculo Continua no Circo Espacial de Moscou
Hotel Cruzeiro
A Fantástica Fuga de Magnólia Pussycat
Hong Kong A Go-Go
These Boots Are Made For Walkin
These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
Um Foguete Para Memphis
E Nasceu Jesus