Dracula (Bruno Pelletier) | tl

Dracula is the name of several artists. 1. A group with Stefan Klinkhammer, Penny Duke and May Ambruster. Also known as Hot Blood. 2. An artist on Metrovynil Records. 3. Reggae artist. 4. An alias of Paul Frees. 5. Thrash/Death Metal band from Târgovişte, Romania. 6.A power/heavy/progressive metal band formed by Jorn Lande & Trond Holter It may also refer to many different soundtracks. If so, please fix your tags. .
Don Juan Dracula is an indie rock band from Åsgardstrand, Norway. Don Juan Dracula attempted to tuck their white suits away in the winter of 2006. Well, that was the plan before an Australian guy came up with another future for DJD. DJD's new manager, Shane Chisholm, jumped on a plane, flew over from Melbourne to Oslo to give DJD a visit. After a couple of meetings, both Shane and DJD were convinced that the only right thing to do was get the band together once more and bring DJD to the world! .
Space-psych-horror, lo-fi aggressive electronics with weird field recordings but also a spacey melodic sweet sound that came up from this maelström. Everything done with a guitar, broken mixer, open mic and some effects. Dracula Lewis is one of the best hidden deep dark secrets from Europe, he spent long time traveling all over the world and is now releasing a split LP with Ducktails. .
"You can't take me anywhere...except to court, or to casualty"...So often snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, Michael Dracula seemed doomed to fail, despite having been groomed to be Britains answer to The Shaggs....And yet, four years since its conception and several line-ups later, Ze Records is about to release the first Michael Dracula album in May 2007. Formed during the winter of discontent, 2002, Michael Dracula began as a mispronunciation. I was bored in the bedroom and it was here that the first songs were joyously conceived. It started with a guitar, a drum machine, and a four-track,...