Bayon (El Sonido 1986) | tl

Sonido Lasser Drakar is an electronic dance music duo from Mexico City which was created in 2001, and it's composed of Danette Newcomb and Emilio Acevedo. .
German folk-prog band 'Bayon' was founded in 1971 in the former GDR. The nucleus of the band consists of the two multi-instrumentalist and founding members Christoph Theusner (Guitar, flute, piano, percussion ) and Cambodian musician Sonny Thet (Cello, guitar, percussion) who studied classical music in Weimar and developed an unique style of combining the Khmer-Pentatonic with elements of Classic, Jazz and Rock. Lead by Theusner and Thet the band played with changing members a mixture of Folk, Classic, Jazz and Rock. Between 1977 and 1982 'Bayon' released four records for the East-German 'Amiga' label. Even so Theusner and Thet concentrated...
El Sonido: heavy liquid rock n roll from Santa Cruz El Sonido breathe and exhale the heavy psychedelic rock in true Santa Cruz fashion. Amidst homemade stacks of amps, these guys treat rock music as if it were sport, sweating, jumping, drooling, heavy stuff from the same breed as Holy Mountain's Mammatus and Residual Echoes - DELTAOFVENUS.ORG .
Natagpuan 6 mga kanta, tagal: 01:21:00
El Sonido (1986, Folk, Fusion, Art Rock)
A Toy