Minas | tl

Lévon Minassian (Լևոն Մինասյան) (born 1958 in Marseilles, France) is a French-Armenian duduk player. On the discographic plan, it is into 1992 that the work of Lévon Minassian takes dimension, since, solicited by Peter Gabriel (founder of the Genesis group), it is found implied in the albums and the "Secrecy World Live Tour" of the owner of the Realworld label. A blow of projector which will make of him a doudoukist very snuffed by great names of the varieties (of Charles Aznavour with Helene Ségara) or personalities of World Music (Sting, I Muvrini, Simon Emerson, Manu Katché etc). In parallel,...
Gediminas Storpirštis (g. 1961 m. balandžio 26 d. Vilniuje) – Lietuvos teatro ir kino aktorius, teatro pedagogas, dainuojamosios poezijos koncertų organizatorius, dainų autorius ir atlikėjas. Brolis - aktorius Arūnas Storpirštis. 1984 m. baigė Lietuvos konservatorijoje, (dabar – Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija) aktorinio meistriškumo studijas (vad. A. Savickaitė, F. Jakšys, R. Vaidotas), nuo to laiko yra Valstybinio jaunimo teatro aktorius. Jis vaidina spektakliuose ir kuria jiems muziką („Arklio Dominyko meilė“, „Briedis Eugenijus“). G. Storpirštis daug dirba su jaunimu, nuo 1985 m. yra teatro studijos „Elementorius“ vadovas. Nuo 2006 m. dėsto aktorinį meistriškumą LMA. G. Storpirštis puoselėja dainuojamosios poezijos kultūrą. Nuo...
Facebook / Twitter / Website Featuring core-members Orlando Haddad and Patricia King, internationally acclaimed Minas is one of the most established Brazilian Jazz musical groups in the US today. With a few decades experience performing and recording, the music of Minas creates an intimate and unforgettable musical tapestry that transports and inspires listeners. Indicated for 3 Grammy awards for their 2009 CD release Bossa Nova Day, Minas has performed in major national venues such as Lincoln Center in New York, Kennedy Center in Washington DC, and the Kimmel and Mann Centers in Philadelphia. Founded in 1978 when Orlando and Patricia...
Three bands currently share or has shared the same name. 1) Minas Tirith (Norway) is a progressive metal band (previously playing avantgarde-black metal). Released 2 demos, an EP, and 3 full-length albums. 2) Minas Tirith (US) was a death metal band with Tolkien-fantasy themes. Changed name to Helcaraxë but not before releasing a demo under the name. 3) Minas Tirith (Denmark) was a progressive/power/folk metal band with themes again relating to Tolkien's works. Also had a name change (wuthering heights) but not before also releasing a demo under the name. .
Natagpuan 185 mga kanta, tagal: 13:00:41
Breathe Us To Life
E se domani
Il cielo in una stanza
Coisas De Minas
Eerie (Extended Mix)
Minas Morgul
Tintarella di luna
Se telefonando
Sono come tu mi vuoi
Citta Vuota
Ainda Bem
Call Me
Minas Nascimento
Эффект бабочки
La Barca
Minas Morgul
Come sinfonia
Aus alten Wunden
Più di te
Il cielo in una stanza
Chi sarà (quién será)
Ciudad Solitaria
Tintarella di luna
Allah Allah Ya Baba