Timur Mutsurayev (Chechen: Муцурай ХӀамзат-кӀант Темур; Russian: Тимур Хамзатович Муцураев; born July 25, 1976 in Grozny, Chechen Republic), or Mucuraev, is a Chechen singer-songwriter and bard. Mutsurayev fought for Chechen independence; though his songs are widely regarded as russophobic and stridently supportive of Chechen separatism. Mutsurayev's first recorded song (Jerusalem) gained airplay during the 1999–2000 Battle of Grozny. It was reported during the war that Russian paratroopers mocked the song with cries of, "Guitars won't take Jerusalem!" Some Chechens felt that it was politically inappropriate to sing about Jerusalem during a war inside Chechnya, but in response Mutsurayev indicated he...
Murakami is a Russian rock band, formed in November 2004, in the city of Kazan. The frontwoman is Dilyara Vagapova. Group Murakami was formed in the autumn of 2004, when the band The Sun-Screen invited the then party to the television project Narodniy Artist-2 on RTR Dilara Vagapova to try his hand in a rock band, knowing her passion for this style of music. Thus, in November 2004, he formed and proceeds to an active group rehearsals, though as yet untitled. In December, after much controversy and heated debate in the group name appears. So there were Murakami. In February...
Марія Бурмака (Maria Burmaka) began singing Ukrainian songs while studying in a guitar class in a musical school. In 1987 she entered the faculty of philology of Kharkov University of Karazin. A year later she started composing her own songs on the Ukrainian poetry. In 1989 Maria was the winner of the Sung Poetry festival in Lutsk. Then she became "silver medallist" of the Chervona Ruta festival. The "Kobza" firm released an audiocassette with her guitar songs. In January 1992 the Canadian record company "Yewshan" released Burmaka’s first CD album titled "Maria", which became the first compact disc in the...
Группа образовалась в мае 1991 года, в Москве. Просуществовав около года до этого под названием «Кутузовский Проспект», коллектив сменил название на «Четыре Таракана» (по названию одной из своих песен). Группа начала репетировать и выступать в составе: Дмитрий Воробьев (гитара, до января 1993), Юрий Ленин (вокал, гитара, до апреля 1992), Рубанов Денис (барабаны, до августа 1997), Спирин Дмитрий (бас). Дебютный альбом «Duty Free Songs», (1992), включал в себя 11 песен, спетых новым вокалистом группы Денисом Петуховым (до августа 1993). Официально альбом был выпущен только через 5 лет, в мае 1997 года, до этого распространялся группой самостоятельно. К 1993-му году «Ч.Т.» получают...
Timur Shaov is one of the most popular bards in Russia these days, known for his unique songs with a lighthearted approach to serious subjects. Shaov is a Russian singer and a former village doctor in Karachaevo-Cherkesia, became famous in a flash when a tape of his songs about everyday life got to the "zaochnii" competition in Moscow. His songs are about life, people and events in Russia. Song writing has become his profession and his concerts gather huge audiences. Shaov is the winner of the "Golden Ostap" award and has 6 CDs. He has been in Europe, Israel, and...