Ancient Oak | tl

Ancient Rites is a Belgian black metal (old) / folk metal (recent) band formed in 1988. Initially, the line- up consisted of guitar players Johan and Phillip, drummer Stefan, and Gunther Theys on bass and vocals. In 1990 the Dark Ritual demo was released in the underground scene, getting worldwide attention just as black metal was gaining importance in the metal scene. Soon after the release of this demo Phillip died in a car crash and not long after, Stefan committed suicide. However painful this episode was to the band, they decided to continue and Stefan's position was taken by... Ancient Creation is heavy metal in its purest form, with no concern for being modern or trendy. The only goals are to push the limits of their ability and create great progressive old school power metal. Guitarist Peter Nisenkier decided to form a band that would combine elements of power metal, complex song arrangements, aggressive drums, powerful vocals. First to come aboard was bassist Andy Critz, a former band mate of Pete’s from the band Sativa. The next few months were spent on song writing and then it was time to find a drummer. After trying...
Ancient Warlocks are a band from Seattle, WA. that has been steadily building both it's sound, and fan base, since their first live show in November of 2010. Their primary focus is the groove, more than anything, and all of the other ingredients are a response to that. The vocals, the guitar sounds, the whole band's sound, the riffing, all of it. Ancient Warlocks are: Darren Chase - rhythm guitar Aaron Krause - vocals Anthony ‘Oni’ Timm - bass guitar Steve Jones - drums Discography: - The Superwizard "7 (2011) - Ancient Warlocks and Mos Generator Live split 7" Single...
While there are plenty of anomalies in the world to ponder, one of the most striking is why a biography seems to validate ones ability to accept or like the art that is being presented. Raised by wolves and great parents, Ancient Mith is an American, living in Denver, Co. and making music. The 2003 award winner of the 1908 Pulitzer Prize given out by Gandhi, himself. They spit a few bars and were Swayze. Has saved numerous a woman from burning dog houses and dogs from burning people houses, even though most of them were cat ladies. Chicken pot...