Dimensional Psychosis | tr

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All individuals in Dimensional Psychosis have already been active for a long period of time in the Dutch metal scene with numerous other bands (since ’95). But yet, they remained unsatisfied, for the infinite inspiration versus limitations in other bands mocked them. Their passion for blast-beats combined with complexity brought them together to create true transcendence. Their genially demented song-structures were created in days and nights of hard work, with severe brain damage as an unavoidable side effect. And now, as psyched as dedicated, these sick fucks from Holland are determined to spread the chaos, one way or another, but certainly through their music. With the Psychosis complete, after various life-performances, time was right to record their mind-dwellings. June 2002 they entered HelterBelter studios to record their first full-length entitled Magical Matrix of Dimensional Continuum. After a lot of delays the album is now available through several channels (one of them being this website) and the responses have been positive all around; just check the reviews.

After the release of the debut album two of the members left the band. First Mot, bass, left to pursue his personal goals. He was replaced by Kruid, the energetic bassplayer from the Dutch deathmetal-act Caedere. Shortly after that Dumah, the singer, left Dimensional Psychosis for his own personal reasons. The band found a worthy replacement in Eclipse, known from the Dutch blackmetal-act Sauron. The band has been concentrating on writing new material for their second album, which is going to be more extreme, even less definable and stronger than their debut.

The band states: “Dimensional Psychosis is not just a band, the line is drawn much further. We explore the universe of possibilities and exploit it within our extreme music. No reality will be left unharmed. We do not have any limitations, clichés or lack of talent. Through our music we climb all levels of your consciousness and devour it. The music consists of complex transparent layers, so each time you’ll listen to the album you’ll discover new things, not only musically, but also spiritually by order of our psychedelic overdrive. Our music is a gateway. We take you on a supersonic journey beyond your worldly state and imaginations; to be introduced to the depraved dimensions of cosmos.”

“The sources of Dimensional Psychosis are magick, psychology, cosmos and all in between. They are the essential fundaments used to channel unique and incomprehensible forces in our bombardments of musical formulaes.”

“Our roots lay deep in grinding death and black metal. People tend to label us ‘black metal’, which is only partly true and thus defective. So we launched our own definition: ‘Indefinable Chaos Metal’. It is the description that fits Dimensional Psychosis best. For we aren’t part of just one scene anymore, we have created a league of our own.”

[from www.dimensional-psychosis.com] .

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