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The name Seppuku covers several acts, including the Australian industrial music pioneers SPK, a fast crust/grind band from Croatia, a unique post-deathmetal band from Kalamazoo Michigan, featuring members from Harvyst and a Swedish 80's synth pop band.

1. SEPPUKU is a crust/grind band from Zagreb, Croatia featuring members of Krlja, Maljutka, Hesperian Death Horse and many others

2. Seppuku (Sweden):

Spring, 1984, and as the snow melts in the northern country of Sweden, Seppuku is formed by friends Rasmus, Ronny and Fredric. Out of the frustration of teenage boredom the trio starts to experiment with music, which is the result of their common interest in spy flicks, electronic music, Asian culture and space-age futurism.

By early autumn the single “Under Your Controll”/”A New Illusion” sees the light of day. Rasmus and Ronny are now joined by new members Togga Papp and Conda, while Fredric leaves as part of the recording-/live act. The successful 7” takes Seppuku, with new member Johan, out on a tour, which starts in Swedish metropolises as Varnamo, Norrkoping, Ljungby and Oskarshamn, through Germany and the BeNeLux countries and ends up in Le Havre, France.

Back home again, the latter city is sung about in one of the new songs; “Assignment France”, which is part of another successful recording session. The other two tracks on this session are; “Man Utan Moral” and the still unreleased; “Hon Gav Mig Allt”. (“Assignment France” and “Man Utan Moral” were later released on the LP box set compilation Reminiscent).

If you ever witnessed a concert by Seppuku, you have probably never forgot them or their blue pyjamases and red Jofa hockey helmets with black stick-on letters that spelt S.E.P.P.U.K.U. They never really called it a day, but as the synth pop/new romantic-era was over Seppuku as a group just vanished into the blue...

In October 2001 a new demo was recorded with the tracks "The Dream (That I'm Dreamin')" and "My Rhythm Machine".
In Januari 2002 a new demo was recorded with the tracks "Girl Don't Make Me Wait" and "My Woman".
On the Friday the 22nd of Februari 2002 Seppuku performed live at Sweden's #1 synth pop/new romantic club Romo Night in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Official website:

3. The Kalamazoo Michigan act Seppuku released a demo CDR titled Rape of Icons, which features some incredibly unique post-deathmetal with a superb combination of hardcore, blackmetal and progressive influences, which unfortunatelly was never released due to the band breaking up before its release. The CD is a professional CDR package with a full booklet containing lyrics and images of the band, who honestly could have made it much much further. A split release with Domain Malevolence was also released.

SPK, formed 1978 in Australia, was a 1980s and early 1990s industrial music and noise music act once featuring Graeme Revell who later went on to compose soundtracks for film and television, most notably, the incidental music for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

The meaning of the SPK abbreviation is unclear and has changed, sometimes it was given as Surgical Penis Klinik other times Sozialistisches PatientenKollektiv . The most notable works of SPK are the early works, Leichenschrei and AutoDaFe. SPK's early music is best described as disturbing and psychologically disorienting, in line with their nihilistic, subversive philosophy. Live performances included truly disturbing video backing (some of which was issued in two videos, "" and "Human Postmortem: Two Autopsy Films"), trangressive performances with animal carcasses and other usually successful attempts to make the audience very uncomfortable. The group issued radical manifestos, such as "The Post-Industrial Strategy", which appeared in RE/Search's Industrial Culture Handbook. Later releases were more synth pop-oriented than industrial. Still later the group moved into electronic orchestral work, with their final full-length release, "Zamaia Lehmanni" actually being very beautiful music.

SPK also used the name SePpuKu for their release of the album Auto Da Fe.

Seppuku was also a dutch (hardcore)punkband, who had one demo called: Harikiricore .

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