Dos Brains | tr

There is more than one artist with this name: 1. A power metal band from Germany 2. A rock band from Latvia 3. An experimental pop band from Oregon, United States 4. A funk band from Michigan, United States 5. A jazz rock band from Germany 6. An alias of electronic musician Moby 7. A doom metal band from Ukraine 8. A rapper from Washington, United States from the group Dyme Def 9. A hardcore band from Salt Lake City, United States 10. A death metal band from Bulgaria 11. Punk band from Belgrade, Serbia --- 1) BrainStorm is a...
Before Amsterdam native Eskinasi came to Higher Octave in the lively African dance band Soto Koto,before his time with Frank Natale of Professor Trance and long before he became a founding member of the jazz-imbued band 3rd Force, he was known as Holland's first New Age artist because of his devoted work on the project that produced Brainscapes. "There was absolutely no commercial consideration when we created this music, " Eskinasi admits. "In fact, originally it was aimed at just a few listeners, an audience who wore headphones and experienced the "Brainscapes " sounds while viewing shifting colored light patterns...
80's Australian post-punk contemporaries of The Birthday Party but offering their own individual twist. Formed 1981, who released 'Ron Pistols Real World' in 1983 which the members was Mick Turner - Guitar (who was later was in Venom P. Stinger and Dirty Three), Geoff Marks - Vocal & Sax, Simon Adams - Bass, Simon Sleigh - Drums & Guitar, Andrew Walpole - Drums & Guitar. .