2010#3 | tr

http://www.michaelrother.de/en/harmony.php Hallogallo 2010 / Michael Rother and Friends perform the music of NEU! Michael Rother will start performing selected concerts around the world in summer 2010 with his project "Hallogallo 2010". Steve Shelley (Sonic Youth) and Aaron Mullan (Tall Firs) will join him. Together they will play music by NEU! as well as some tracks by Harmonia and from Michael Rother´s solo albums. Michael Rother and Friends Perform the Music of NEU! with Steve Shelley and Aaron Mullan The legendary German group NEU! released only 3 albums between 1972 and 1975, but these albums had an influence wildly disproportionate to...
Bulundu 185 şarkılar, süresi: 19:03:26
Солнце невидно! 2010
Я Крутой Алкаш
minimal techno
Микки (2010)
Угонщица (ремейк 2010)
Розовые Розы
Tokyo 2010
Чайный пъяница
На Марсе Классно
Клубняк Года
когда меня отвяжут
Вечерний Челябинск 2010
Рано или поздно понимаешь...
Качели 2010
Electros Dance 2010
Она (10.2010)
Бумбокс - Летний дождь
Если Бы (2010)
Как Есть.mp3
как есть
Big city life (2010)
Музыка 2010 русская
Босанова (2010)
Самурай (2010)