Illogicist | tr

Illogicist is a technical/progressive death metal band from Italy. Illogicist is a violent sonic combination of technical ability, rhythmic asymmetry, melodic sickness and lyrical frustration created to reflect a dynamic and emotional vision of suffering and introspection, a mix of sonic violence and technical intent After the release of tho EP, "POLYMORPHISM OF DEATH" 2001, and "DISSONANT PERSPECTIVES" 2002, and after a strong promotion in the italian uderground scene, mainly accomplished with live performances, Illogicist signed a deal for his debut full-lenght album with the american label Crash Music Inc, ex Pavement Music, and the band realised a new recording...
Bulundu 24 şarkılar, süresi: 03:29:41
"The Insight Eye" ( Full Album ) 2007
"Polymorphism Of Death (Demo)" 2002
"Subjected" ( Full Album ) 2004
"Dissonant Perspectives (Demo)" 2003
The Soul Feeder
The Last Show
Every Straight Lie
Dissonant Perspectives
Knowledge Curse
Knowledge Curse
The High Price Of Confidence
Visions Of Decay
Visions Of Decay
6. Subjected
Introspection (Instrumental)
Into Your Mind (Intro)
1. Into Your Mind (Intro)