Pegasuses-XL | tr

PEGASUSES is a fraternal order of the philosophical variety; a salon for ideas and a forum for what-if's. PEGASUSES is the challenge of channeling youth-rock kinetic energy (aggression) through cold digital mediums. PEGASUSES is three dudes sussing it out. PEGASUSES is the coagulation of human potentials; the mathematical summation/equilibrium of achievements and agendas, ideologies and determinations, speculations and realities. PEGASUSES is that entire wave approaching peak velocity. PEGASUSES is the first successful air launched orbital launcher. It is a three stage solid fuel rocket with optional liquid fourth stage (HAPS) for improved performance. The original version was launched by NASA's...
Bulundu 10 şarkılar, süresi: 35:19
End of the World
Marathon Mansion
Run The Gauntlet
The Big Haunt
Gauntlet (feat. Chino XL)