Goresoerd | tr

A project that started out in 2004 as two guys playing and experimenting with grindcore, Goresoerd has quickly evolved into the spearhead of intelligent, vicious and tongue-in-cheek extreme music in the Estonian scene. Hectic, hyper-driven and entertaining live shows have paved the way for the band's success. GORESOERD blasted off as an idea for a project after some collaboration between Stig and Kari of Symbolic State in late 2004. Back then it was just for fun and experimenting, a short foray from their main band. They used a drum machine, as it gave them some advantage - skipping the part...
Bulundu 23 şarkılar, süresi: 01:03:03
Surnud Siber
Pop Rock Cowboy
Sin You Are
Kloonitud Jumal
Kellelgi On Täna Valus (Kosmikud cover)
Raamat (preview)
Köik on segi
Shot Six Times
Fucked By Thousands Of Corpses
Branchmetal Ode
Like Lingerie For Hard Workers
Anus Lover
Circle Of Masturbators
Bitch Hard The Girls' Squad
For Idiots All Over The World