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There are four artists with this name: 1) Former singer for the band Hugo Largo. Her full name is Mimi Goese. She has released one solo album "Soak." She has also worked with Moby. 2) London-based artista and musician. Plays unusual places at short notice. (house gigs, art fairs, on a raft....) Often improvises with non-drummers drumming, often seen drumming herself. People she has played with include Les Enfants Bastard, Ignatz Höch, H, Jeion Nejad, Morvern Callar, AdHoc. 3) Mimi. From México; Mimi ex integrante del grupo Flans. En 1991 Mimí debutó como solista con un disco que lleva por...
Mimir is a joint music project started by The Legendary Pink Dots member Edward Ka-Spel and the father of numerous other projects Christoph Heemann. Having similar interests in musical experimentation, specifically in textural music, the two started recording in Heemann's studio. In 1991 their first, self-titled, album came out on the Flabbergast label. Later Ka-Spel mentioned that in this album the project failed to achieve its goal, because Christoph Heemann was not selective enough when mastering contributors' pieces and the album was not a "whole" as was planned. Two of the following albums the group members consider to be more...
mimimemeMIMI (みみめめMIMI) is a duo consisting of singer-songwriter Yuka (ユカ), real name Takao Yuki (タカオユキ) and illustrator Chamooi (ちゃもーい). The duo aims to engage fans with both audio and visuals. Their name is derived from the Japanese words for “ear” and “eye”, plus the name of Chamooi’s original character MIMI, who features in their music videos and in many of their releases' cover art. .
There are two artists by this name 1) Mimikry is a Swedish punk band. Two of their members are Hjalmar "Hjalle" Östman and Jonas "Heavy" Stentäpp who became famous in Sweden after an appearance in TV show "På rymmen" (i.e. "On the run"). "Hjalle" is the singer and guitarist of the band, "Heavy" is the drummer, Mia plays the bass, Åsberg and Apan plays guitar. 2005 the band celebrated it's 10 years anniversery and released the CD "Uppsamlingsheat". The CD contained records from the year 1994-2005 that, until then, only had been released on demos etc. Some people think that...
There are several artists called as MIMIC: 1. Math\Progressive metal band from USA. Firstly they called themselves as Fuge and there were only 2 guitarists. Now there are 4 sexy guys with big talent! http://www.myspace.com/projectfuge .