Gabby | tr

Anthony "Mighty Gabby" Carter (born March 30, 1948) is a legendary Barbadian calypsonian He is the youngest calypsonian to win the calypso crown in Barbados at age 19 in 1968 and went on to win the Calypso king title again in 1969, 1976, 1985, 1999, 2000. He has penned over 700 songs and was awarded Folk Singer Of The Year in 1977, 1978 and 1979. He is one of the most creative melody makers working alongside a bevy of regional arrangers including Frankie McIntosh, Eddy Grant, Andy Williams, Nicholas Brancker, Mike Sealy and the late `Patches' Mendoza. There are no...
Gabby La La's first album, Be Careful What You Wish For... is a wildly fun, endlessly charming and musically off-the-wall debut that's rooted in a life-long dedication to music, both highly specialized and extraordinary. Well before the release of this album, Gabby's proficient and vast musical talents with such instruments as the sitar, ukulele, toy piano, accordion and Theremin, have made her a decidedly sought after contributor for artists ranging from Snoop Dogg to Les Claypool, Macy Gray to DJ Boogie. Gabby fell in love with music at a very young age. As a child, she incessantly sang the songs...
Philip Kunia Pahinui (Honolulu, Hawaii, April 22, 1921 – October 13, 1980) was a Hawaiian slack-key guitarist and singer. The Hawaiian Renaissance of the 1970s launched a cultural reawakening of all things Hawaiian. Gabby played a very important part in the rise of this Hawaiian Cultural Renaissance. First there were the albums recorded through the 1960s with the enormously popular and influential Sons of Hawaii, which he started with 'ukulele virtuoso Eddie Kamae: their self-titled debut album (Hula HS 503, 1961); Music of Old Hawai'i (Hula HS 506, 1964); and Folk Music of Hawai'i (Panini 1001, 1971). Then, starting in...
Charles Philip "Gabby" or "Pops" Pahinui (April 22, 1921 - October 13, 1980) was a slack-key guitarist. Gabby was raised in the Kaka'ako area of Honolulu in the 1920s. It was impoverished at the time, very much resembling a shanty-town with small cluttered buildings and tin roofs falling apart. He spent his childhood supporting his family by selling newspapers and shining shoes. He dropped out of school after 5th grade at Pokukaina School. Gabby landed a gig as a back-up guitarist for Charley 'Tiny' Brown. He quickly mastered the steel guitar without ever learning to read music. Because most musicians...
NYC is Glaser's home-base. Former Luscious Jackson co-founder called it quits with Jill Cunniff in 2000, but has been jamming in the spirit of dubby-pop with a retro-laden and hook heavy sass ever since. June 26th witnessed the release of her debut album "Gimme Splash" and features the talents of Sammy Siegler (drums - from Nightmare of You, Rival Schools, CIV), Guyora Kats (lead guitar), Ian Love (Rival Schools, Cardia) as her support. .