Mumia Abu-Jamal | tr

Mumia Abu-Jamal (born Wesley Cook April 24, 1954) a journalist and political activist, was convicted of the murder of police officer Daniel Faulkner, which took place on December 9th, 1981. He received the death sentence from a jury. He is most famous for the subsequent mass campaigns for and against his conviction. Jamal had been awaiting execution in Pennsylvania from 1982 until December 2001 when Federal District Court judge William Yohn overturned his death sentence. However, Yohn reaffirmed Jamal's conviction, ruling that he will remain in custody indefinitely. Abu-Jamal's case has become a popular cause on the political left, within...
Bulundu 20 şarkılar, süresi: 58:55
Revolutionary Intro (Feat. Mumia Abu-Jamal)
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Rastafari feat. Mumia Abu Jamal
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Homeland And Hip Hop (Feat. Mumia Abu-Jamal)
Free Mumia Abu Jamal
Free Mumia Abu Jamal
Bright Future (feat. Mumia Abu Jamal)
Hommage A Mumia Abu Jamal (Inedit)
Legalized Crime
The War Against Us All
Mumia Abu Jamal
Homeland & Hip Hop
The War Behind The War
Comments by (Jukebox cafe, VK NEW) Exclusive.

Video Mumia Abu-Jamal