The Boondock Saints Soundtrack | tr

Utah Saints are a British dance band from Leeds in West Yorkshire. The music is produced by Jez Willis and Tim Garbutt, who are joined on-stage by other musicians whenever the band plays live. Utah Saints were one of the early pioneers of bringing sampling technology into mainstream dance and pop music, and have also gained a certain notoriety for the long gap between releases - their follow-up, Two, came seven years after their debut. They were described as the first true stadium house band (by Bill Drummond), though their music is difficult to place into one particular genre and...
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Motion City Soundtrack is a pop-punk band which includes members Joshua Cain (guitar), Justin Pierre (vocals/guitar), Jesse Johnson (Moog), Matthew Taylor (bass), and Claudio Rivera (drums). Following their high-school graduation, Minneapolis, MN natives Pierre and Cain -- both of whom were inspired by Sunny Day Real Estate, Jawbox, the Flaming Lips, and Superchunk -- formed the band in 1999. The pair assembled a temporary lineup and issued a self-released 7" that same year. Later, while touring through Pennsylvania in support of their release, Motion City Soundtrack met Thaxton and Taylor of the Virginia-based band Submerge. The two musicians decided to...
90'lı yılların sonundaki "girl band" imajından farklı bir çizgide olamları ve müzikleri ile dikkatleri çeken All Saints; Pure Shore, Under The Bridge, Never Ever, War of Nerves, Booty Call gibi hitlerinin ardından 2004 yılında dağılmıştır. Solo müzik kariyerlerine devam eden Shaznay Lewis, Melanie Blatt, Natalie Appleton ve Nicole Appleton 2006 yılında Rock Steady albümleri ile All Saints olarak geri dönmüşlerdir. .
Bulundu 148 şarkılar, süresi: 08:19:45
Tell Me [OST The Boondock Saints]
The Boondock Saints
Courtroom Speech And The Final
Crystal Dancehall [OST The Boondock Saints]
Danny Boy (The Boondock Saints OST, 1999)
The Blood Of Cu Chulainn
Boondock Saints Chant
Saints From The Streets (OST The Boondock Saints)
The Boondock Saints
Armageddon (MIX) [OST The Boondock Saints]
Count me among my Saints (Techno chant)
Boondock Saints Armageddon Mix
Terminal Velocity (The Boondock Saints OST)
The Boondock Saints
Holy Fool (OST The Boondock Saints)
The Boondock Saints
The Boondock Saints (live 2013)
The Blood of Cu Chulainn (OST The Boondock Saints)
Crystal Dancehall (Ost"The Boondock Saints" )
All Saints Day Greenhouse Firefight
War Not War (soundtrack to "The Boondock Saints")
12 - The Boondock Saints - Holy Fool
The Boondock Saints ♫
Xology (MIX) [OST The Boondock Saints]
Count me among my Saints
The Last Gun Battle (The Boondock Saints II OST)
The Boondock Saints Theme [Metal Cover]
Armageddon Mix (OST The Boondock Saints)
Fallen Angel [OST The Boondock Saints]
Requiem Massive (OST The Boondock Saints II)
-The Blood Of Cu Chulainn
Arel-Ahmedabab Theme (feat. Petit)
Si, mi chiamano Mimi (The Boondock Saints, 1999)
18.Pipes (Boondock Saints)
14 - Jeff Danna - Saints From The Streets
The Boondock Saints(Trap)
Xology (MIX) ( The Boondock Saints)
The Boondock Saints (Rap instrumental)