Jesper Ryom | uk

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Music that touches the listener has a certain necessity in its core – a kind of lure that very well encapsulates Jesper Ryom’s musical universe.

With samples fetched from an admirably eclectic music collection, and with a penchant for hip-hop, dub and self-played guitar riffs, he puts together atmospheres that have so much essentiality in them, that they instantly possess the listener. It’s hard to pinpoint if it’s melancholia or dreams pervading his sensible soundscapes, but what’s sure is that Jesper would suffer, was he unable to convey his moods through his laptop. Whether it’s reflective house chords or delicately drawling dub beats that are in focus, there's a continuous presence and playfulness spreading through his very idiosyncratic sound.

It all started in the northern outskirts of Denmark, in a little harbor city. To keep from stultifying Jesper grasped whatever rhythm and melody he came across, passing his time with a Casio toy keyboard until he became big enough to handle a guitar, Jesper became captivated by almost anything that could make a sound. And in the cross between idyllic nature and bored moped gangs, this musical engrossment only seemed natural. Playing rock music and singing in all sorts of different bands throughout his youth, a milestone in his musical development marked itself when he was introduced to the world of electronic music. From then on, and all through his teen years, he experimented with all kinds of subgenres and learned how to use sequencers and synthesizers. In 2010, having come to the crucial crossroad of whether to spend his adult life on academics or music production, he took some time off on a little Danish island, delving into his true desire. Ironically the isolation made him swear to the pulsating nerve of techno and house, and even more importantly, hooked him up with a group of dedicated followers that ultimately assured him that music is his call.

Now, having found professional and personal comfort in Copenhagen, Jesper is endeavoring to track down whichever mood, sample or coincidental noise that can complete the current state he is in – for the benefit of himself and his steadily growing crowd .

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